Envío Digital
Central American University - UCA  
  Number 314 | Septiembre 2007



The FSLN Government Pieces Together Its New International Policy Puzzle
Nicaragua’s current relations with the rest of the world aren’t the same as those forged by the two previous Liberal governments. August abounded in pieces for the international puzzle Daniel Ortega’s working on. But what image does the FSLN government hope to form with them?... continuar...


AMNESTY PROJECT During August some PLC legislators dusted off the shelved general amnesty bill for all officials of the governments of Arnoldo Alemán and Enrique Bolaños. If approved, this amnesty... continuar...


Seven Messages from Power and One from the Left
In July, ALN-PC legislator Alejandro Bolaños Davis’ son-in-law charged publicly that individuals using the FSLN secretariat buildings had extorted a sizable sum from foreign investors to “fix” a land dispute. In apparent reprisal, the FSLN-dominated Supreme Electoral Council stripped Bolaños Davis of his parliamentary seat on the flimsy grounds that he lied when registering to run by not declaring that he held dual nationality; the Supreme Court quickly backed its decision. From the other side of the National Assembly aisle, Mónica Baltodano reponded on August 23 with the following speech.... continuar...


You Can’t Organize People and Raise Consciousness by Decree
This FSLN insider reflects on the party’s history, the role of that history in its current situation and some of the political measures implemented so far in what the FSLN government is calling “the second stage of the revolution.”... continuar...


Rosa in the Land of Lovelessness
In March 2003 we published “The Names of the Rose,” an article for which I received the Second “Pedro Joaquín Chamorro Cardenal” Prize for Journalistic Excellence in January 2004. Rosa has returned to center stage in Nicaragua, and we have to talk about her case again, looking anew at what it represents.... continuar...

El Salvador

The Democratic Facade Has Fallen Away
The events of July 2 in Suchitoto mark a watershed. The disproportionate repression was aimed at intimidating and frightening a social movement that has been growing sronger. The government’s democratic facade has finally fallen away, with “political prisoners” for the first time since the civil war. ARENA will do all it can to avoid an FMLN victory in 2009 so we can expect an increasingly tense atmosphere from here to election day.... continuar...

Costa Rica

Media Positions on the CAFTA Referéndum
Will Central America’s Free Trade Agreement with the United States get thumbs up or down in Costa Rica’s upcoming referendum? In anticipation of the results, the country’s mass media have revealed their true colors when it comes to presenting issues critical to the nation’s future: plenty of rhetoric, little hard information and virtually no dialogue or debate. At a time, when discussion of our economic and political future should be center stage, we’ve felt and resented our cultural backwardness first hand.... continuar...

América Latina

Red Alert for Climate Change And a Possible Way Out
Like all other animals, human beings need energy to live. After finding it so abundantly and easily in the form of coal and oil, we’ve recklessly headed down that road nearly to the point of no return. Is there still time to avoid the collapse of our civilization? Only if we concentrate on reducing the population and use non-contaminating energy sources, argues this physicist.... continuar...

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Envío offers information and analysis on Nicaragua from Nicaragua, on Central America from Central America, on the larger world we want to transform and on that other possible world we are working to bring about.

Envío a monthly magazine of analysis on Central America