Envío Digital
Central American University - UCA  
  Number 100 | Noviembre 1989



Just The Facts: The 1990 Elections

Envío team

Presidential and Vice presidential candidates registered with the Supreme Electoral Council
(listed alphabetically by party)

FSLN (Sandinista National Liberation Front): Daniel Ortega and Sergio Ramírez

MAP (Popular Action Movement): Isidro Téllez and Carlos Cuadra

MUR (Revolutionary Unity Movement): Moisés Hassán and Francisco Samper

PCD (Democratic Conservative Party): Eduardo Molina and Hugo Tórrez

PLIUN (Liberal Party for National Unity): Rodolfo Robelo and Lombardo Martínez

PRT (Revolutionary Workers' Party): Bonifacio Miranda and Juan Carlos Leyton

PSC (Social Christian Party): Erick Ramírez and Rina Córdoba de Taboada

PSOC (Social Conservative Party): Fernando Aguero and William Estrada

PUCA (Central American Unity Party): Blanca Rojas and Daniel Urcuyo

UNO (National Opposition Union): Violeta Barrios de Chamorro and Virgilio Godoy

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

Nicaragua's Supreme Electoral Council

Despite the fact that the US Administration has consistently tried to discredit the Supreme Electoral Council (CSE), an overwhelming majority of Nicaraguans have confidence in its ability to fairly oversee the electoral process. In July, the Nicaraguan Institute of Public Opinion (INOP), a polling organization working under the auspices of the independent Itztani research and documentation center, reported that 77% of those polled thought the CSE had the ability to guarantee free and fair elections in the country, while only 23% thought the CSE would be unable to do so.


Mariano Fiallos Oyanguren (FSLN)
Dr. Fiallos has a law degree from the University of Texas (1957) and a PhD in Political Science from the University of Kansas (1968). He served as President of the CSE for the 1984 elections as well as the upcoming 1990 elections. Before that, he was Dean of Nicaragua's National Autonomous University (UNAN) from 1974 to 1984.

Leonel Argüello Ramírez (FSLN)
Argüello has a law degree from the UNAN (1956). He served on first board of directors of COSEP (the Nicaraguan private business association) from 1977 to 1979. He headed up the National Development Bank after 1979 and in recent years has served as the Executive Director of INISER, the Nicaraguan Insurance Institute.

Amán Sandino Muñoz (PCD)
Dr. Sandino Muñoz received his medical degree (1957) from the National Autonomous University of Mexico, specializing in cardiology. He is a long-time member and officer of Nicaragua's Democratic Conservative Party, and belongs to the Inter-American Association of Cardiologists.

Guillermo Selva Argüello (PLI)
Selva studied agronomy in the United States, and obtained both law and engineering degrees from the UNAN. He has worked for many years with the Nicaraguan firm of Rappacciolli McGregor in the administration of imports.

Rodolfo Sandino Argüello (Distinguished member)
Sandino Argüello is an attorney (1951) and served on the Nicaraguan Supreme Court throughout the 1970s. He has taught law at the Central American University for over 25 years, and is currently dean of the Law School there. Sandino Argüello belongs to no political party, and is currently a member of the Inter-American Federation of Lawyers to Develop the Science of Law in the Americas and the Lions Clubs of both Guatemala and Nicaragua.


Julian Corrales Munguia (FSLN)
Rosa Marina Zelaya (FSLN)
Julio Ruiz Quezada (Conservative National Party)
Nidia Reyes Castaneda (Social Christian Party)
Ernesto Salazar Elizondo (Distinguished member)

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Just The Facts: The 1990 Elections

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