Central American University - UCA |
Number 476 | Marzo 2021 |
The pieces are starting to fall into place for the election race
Nicaragua’s ruling couple knows it will be
voted out of office if the elections are free and fair.
And under the current rules, which are anything but that,
the blue and white opposition knows its only shot at winning
is by uniting around a single candidate with a massive turnout.
With only six months and counting before election day,
each side is still putting pieces into place.
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Nicaragura briefs
The latest Amnesty International (AI) report says that 1,614 political prisoners have passed through Nicaragua’s jails since the April 2018 rebellion, with different lengths... continuar...
“Environmental protection is going through its worst moments”
On the eve of the Humboldt Center’s 30rth anniversary,
its director discusses the serious environmental crisis
Nicaragua is experiencing and some of the main challenges
it believes a new government should tackle.
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Year one of the pandemic
COVID-19 vaccine donations are beginning to arrive in Nicaragua.
There are far from enough but so far they are being put in priority arms.
This look at the country’s first year of the pandemic recalls different moments,
offers disputing figures, even the best-intentioned of which are unreliable,
and describes how both the people and the government have dealt with it.
As the rich countries engage in the race between mass vaccination
and the possibility of a new variant that is more resistant to vaccines,
Nicaragua must rely more on people’s own responsibility.
What are our chances?
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El Salvador
How far will Nayib Bukele go to impose his authoritarian agenda?
Its legislative, municipal and Central American Parliament elections,
held on February 28, reshaped El Salvador’s political map,
now dominated by President Nayib Bukele and his team,
relegating the traditional opposition to irrelevance.
The elections were held amid an authoritarian transition
accelerated by the pandemic, the rise of militarism,
and the normalization of exceptions,
opening uncertain prospects for the country.
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Loma Verde: Through our own looking glass
Latin America is one of the most unequal regions on Earth,
and Central America today, 200 years after its independence,
is still Latin America’s most unequal region, and its most violent,
notorious for homicides, armed gangs, paramilitaries and drug cartels.
But there are also other kinds of violence, ones kept more unspoken,
that make development unsustainable and democracy a falsehood.
Several of these kinds of violence are vividly reflected in Loma Verde,
a Nicaraguan TV series that realistically reflects everyday life
in several rural Central American countries.
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