Envío Digital
Central American University - UCA  
  Number 370 | Mayo 2012



The first 100 days: Between urgency and lethargy
A hundred days into President Ortega’s new five-year term, no one has bothered to do the traditional symbolic analysis, perhaps because Ortega had already announced that he would do “more of the same” in this period— and in fact has. The one notable feature is that he seems in a rush, and the field is open to him because society appears lethargic.... continuar...


PLC CONVENTION AND DISSIDENCE The Constitutionalist Liberal Party’s April 29 “Great Convention” was preceded by a lot of expectation given the critical positions of a number of its national leaders,... continuar...


The demarcating and titling are almost done but the “sanitizing” will take real maturity
The Caribbean Coast has witnessed significant progress in the government’s restitution of indigenous peoples’ rights, particularly regarding their especially important historical land rights. But as many of those lands are today inhabited by both new and old settlers, the process is not without major interethnic conflicts and tensiones.... continuar...


In the “land of lakes” we don’t think about underground water
The Río San Juan is ours. We’re getting tired of repeating it. Lake Xolotlán, Lake Cocibolca, the Río Grande de Matagalpa, the Río Coco…they’re ours too, as are all the other bodies of water above and below ground. We don’t see or think about aquifers, but they give us the water we drink. I investigated the situation of this underground water in Managua and by the time I finished, I was very worried.... continuar...


Why is there so much violence in our country?
The violence in Honduras has old roots, but the newest ones have grown rapidly in the last 30 years. The accumulation of wealth, resources, land and power in few hands has generated levels of violence that now seem uncontrollable.... continuar...


Indigenous communities under government siege and repression
Indigenous peoples defending their lands and autonomous organizations are suffering increased attacks and repression by the Mexican government. If they don’t cave in to the authorities’ attempts to co-opt with social programs, it increases its use of paramilitary soldiers to threaten, plunder, burn, harass and kill. Behind the siege and repression are the interests of the large corporations, which are determined to get the riches found in the indigenous lands. The resistance of Mexico’s original peoples is part of the struggle throughout Latin America today for public goods.... continuar...


The third horseman of neoliberalism: The Neo-Pentecostals (Part 1)
We’ve identified four horsemen galloping through Central America in these terrible neoliberal times. They cause change, development and new identities. We’ve already looked at drug traffickers and NGOs; now it’s the Neo-Pentecostal evangelical churches. But before following them on their wild crusade, we need to reflect on the syncretism they’ve built. It’s based on two harmful nutrients: management culture and positive thinking.... continuar...

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Envío offers information and analysis on Nicaragua from Nicaragua, on Central America from Central America, on the larger world we want to transform and on that other possible world we are working to bring about.

Envío a monthly magazine of analysis on Central America