Envío Digital
Central American University - UCA  
  Number 279 | Octubre 2004



They Overturned the Table With the Dice Still in the Air
While Nicaraguans were waiting to see how the dice would fall in November’s municipal elections, two of the three poles of power decided to play rough, overturning President Bolaños’ gaming table. The post-election political map will play a decisive role in all their future games, alliances, shady deals and other chicanery already underway.... continuar...


CAFTA DECREE DRAWS SMALL AUDIENCE On October 5, ten months after the fact, President Bolaños presented to the National Assembly the presidential decree ratifying the Central America-US Free... continuar...


These Elections Will Test the Convergence’s Validity and Future
The president of the Sandinista Renovation Movement, one of the parties in the National Convergence that has been allied with the FSLN since the 2000 municipal election campaign, shares her reflections on this year’s municipal elections, how the Convergence candidates were chosen, their points of unity and her critique of the national political culture.... continuar...


The 2004 Municipal Elections: Final Forecasts
Who will win Managua? What level of abstention will there be? What novelties will the Caribbean coast elections bring? And what political map will the elections bequeath us? These are the final forecasts on the eve of voting.... continuar...


Devoured by Short-Term Thinking
After nine months in office, the government has yet to produce any coherent short- or long-term plans that go beyond just putting out fires or that will prevent new ones.... continuar...


The President and the EZLN Issue Their Reports
The Zapatistas are again providing astonishing light in the midst of the political class’ interminable in-fighting. They continue consolidating their alternative anti-system position, breaking all the rules of the grammer of resignation, offering lessons to Mexico and the world as they themselves continue to learn.... continuar...

América Latina

Down and Dirty in Latin America
Low” and “dirty” are taking on increasingly contradictory meanings. Used by the excluded and dissident, these old symbols of domination, of disrespect for Latin America’s poor and native peoples, are instead beginning to express cultural resistance, a rejection of the system. The resulting mix is still very ambiguous, but deserving of careful attention.... continuar...

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Envío offers information and analysis on Nicaragua from Nicaragua, on Central America from Central America, on the larger world we want to transform and on that other possible world we are working to bring about.

Envío a monthly magazine of analysis on Central America