Envío Digital
Central American University - UCA  
  Number 199 | Febrero 1998



Why Did the Rearmed Rearm?
Salvador Martí is researcher from the Political Science Department of the Autonomous University of Barcelona and collaborator with the Nicaraguan and Central American Historical Institute (INHCA). The article summarizes a chapter from his doctoral thesis, "Revolutions, Rebellions and Protests. Social Transformations and Political Violence in Nicaragua, 1961-1993."... continuar...


LEGISLATIVE CRISIS On January 10, during the installation of the XIV Legislature in the National Assembly, as President Alemán began to read his annual report, the 36-member Sandinista bench... continuar...


New Twist with the IMF: The Winners and the Losers
The signing of the new enhanced structural adjustment facility (ESAF II) starkly illustrated that only some prosper in the Liberal project. And the debate over the 1998 budget illustrated, yet again, that Alemán wants his hands free to exercise this economic project with a discretionality that the reformed Constitution does not grant and the office of Comptroller General is not prepared to let him get away with. ... continuar...


Caribbean Voices: Coast Women Share their Agenda
NEARLY 60 WOMEN APPEAR IN FIRST PLACE AMONG THE PARTY SLATES of 3 Regional Councilor candidates for each of the 15 electoral districts in the two Autonomous Regions. These women (22 for the north and 35 for the south, representing all coast ethnicities) met in Bilwi (Puerto Cabezas) on January 24 and drafted the following agenda of eight sections. Independent of their parties, they formed a Coalition of Coast Women and pledged to uphold the agenda principles in their respective autonomous Regional Council should they be elected on March 1, and to advocate them in general, even from outside of the Regional Council.... continuar...


Democratic Transition: The Interminable History
New elections, new president. The oppositions fears that Liberal Carlos Flores Facusse will be authoritarian and will use an exclusive, presidentialist style. It predicts that 1998 will be a year of economic shock, with more taxes for the people and continued submission to the orders of the international organisms.... continuar...


Blood in Chiapas, Economic Recovery And the Asian Crisis
The indigenous massacre by the Red Mask group in the Acteal municipality of Chenalho, Chiapas on December 22, 1997, leaving 45 Tzotziles dead and 25 wounded—mainly women and children— put Chiapas at... continuar...

América Latina

Community Radios: Freedom of Antenna!
By José Ignacio López Vigil, Latin American Coordinator for the World Association of Community Radios (AMARC). This article compiles extracts from the first and last chapters of his book, Manual urgente para radialistas apasionados , published by the Group of Eight, Quito, 1997.... continuar...


Multilateral Investment Agreement: A World Alert
Reprinted from ALAI, January 1998, Ecuador, with additions from a Peoples Global Action e-mail communication.... continuar...

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