Central American University - UCA |
Number 98 | Septiembre 1989 |
After Esquipulas II and Sapoá: What Happens Next?
Two events occurred in the first week of August that, without exaggeration, can be termed historical. They are easily as important as were Esquipulas II and Sapoá.
One was a dialogue between the... continuar...
Rebuilding the Río Coco: An Odyssey
When the first truckloads of displaced Miskito Indian families pulled into Waspán, on the Río Coco, in mid-1985, they hardly paused to contemplate the destruction. Whooping and laughing, children and... continuar...
Between Religión and Revolution...
As Nicaraguans from all sectors of society celebrated ten years of revolution this July, the religious community was no exception. Christians added their voices with two quite different yet complementary... continuar...
Government/Opposition Accords Prepare Terrain for Elections
At the close of a marathon National Dialogue, the Nicaraguan government and the opposition political parties signed a crucial series of agreements dealing with the electoral process on Thursday morning,... continuar...
SPOTLIGHT ON YOUNG WOMEN All young men in Nicaragua sooner or later pass through the ranks of the Sandinista army as they fulfill their two-year military service. The draft has been called... continuar...
CDS: Revolution in the Barrio
"If we want a Community Center on this lot, we have to cut down the weeds first. Who'll join me on Sunday at 7:00 am? I'll bring the pinol drink, but someone else has to bring the sugar. Come... continuar...
Just the Facts: The 1984 Elections
In looking at the Nicaraguan elections scheduled for February 1990, it is useful to recall a few facts about the November 1984 elections, in which the President, Vice President and National Assembly... continuar...
Political Agreement (Unofficial Translation)
On August 3 and 4, 1989, the President of the Republic of Nicaragua, Commander of the Revolution Daniel Ortega Saavedra, and representatives of legally constituted political parties gathered in the Olof... continuar...
Tela Agreement (Unofficial Translation)
The Central American Presidents, meeting in the port city of Tela in the Republic of Honduras on August 5, 6 and 7, 1989,
Taking into consideration and recognizing the important work undertaken by... continuar...
Agreements and Accords: Nicaragua and Honduras
Bilateral Accord Between Nicaragua and Honduras
Unofficial Translation
The President of the Republic of Honduras, José Azcona Hoyo and the President of the Republic of Nicaragua, Daniel... continuar...