Central American University - UCA |
Number 97 | Agosto 1989 |
Nicaragua: Four More Years of War?
As Nicaragua heads into its election period and moves to open real political space in the country, the Bush Administration has responded with full-scale political war, which is little more than the latest... continuar...
A Setback to Reforms
"The prices went through the roof again," said a young woman doing her weekly shopping in Managua's Roberto Huembes market. "I thought it was finally getting better."
In June, Nicaragua's painfully... continuar...
To Boycott or Not to Boycott?
With Nicaragua's elections still more than seven months away and the campaign itself not yet officially kicked off, the process has already captured the attention of Nicaraguans and Nicaragua watchers... continuar...
Backward or Forward?
—Members of the Subtiava indigenous community in León, Nicaragua, sue in court for the return of a 700-acre private farm that they claim as part of their historic lands. The Supreme Court rules against... continuar...
Judicial System Demands Larger Budget
On May 15, Dr. Rodrigo Reyes, president of Nicaragua's Supreme Court, opened a two-day conference for 100 of the nation's judges on "the independence of the judicial system" with a proposal that the... continuar...
THE WAR THAT NEVER ENDS Contra activity in the Nicaraguan countryside mounted as the Sandinista revolution celebrated its tenth anniversary. In June, the Ministry of Defense reported 11 civilian... continuar...
Nicaragua’s Foreign Policy: Ten Years of Principles and Practice
An interview with Alejandro Bendaña, a member of Nicaragua's diplomatic team since the revolutionary triumph, serving first as interim representative to the United Nations and currently as political... continuar...
The Last Word
Over these ten years I’ve seen that little by little Sandino’s ideals are being fulfilled, that the revolution is doing all it can to benefit the majority of the Nicaraguan people. The best way I can... continuar...
Just The Facts: The NED* Dollars: 1987-1989
Cuadro 1 – 1987
Cuadro 2 – 1988
Cuadro 3 – 1989
... continuar...