Central American University - UCA |
Number 95 | Junio 1989 |
Nicaragua's Electoral Process—The New Name for the War
Since the Esquipulas IV accords were signed at the Central American summit meeting in El Salvador in mid-February, the Nicaraguan government has dedicated much of its efforts to carrying out its part... continuar...
Inflation Drops, Planting Begins
May is planting time in Nicaragua, and the government has been doing all it can to ensure that as much planting as possible takes place. With the unstable economic situation many producers have been... continuar...
Jinotega's Miskitos and Sumus: Little Noted Victims of the Contra War
Cándida Cardenales, who guesses she is about 80 years old, is a Sumu Indian from Nicaragua. She grew up along the Río Coco in the northern province of Jinotega, west of the Atlantic Coast where most... continuar...
News of Contras' Death Greatly Exaggerated
Interview with Lieutenant Colonel Ricardo Wheelock Román
The US press conveys the impression that the contras are dead and their war is over. But the damages these forces continue... continuar...
CASA BENJAMIN LINDER April 28 marked the official opening of an "alternative US Embassy" in Managua, the Casa Benjamin Linder. The project is a joint effort by 19 US solidarity, religious and... continuar...
Just the Facts: 1989 The War Continues
##1989-8-95-06-03-2-en##... continuar...
Setting the Rules of the Game Nicaragua's Reformed Electoral Law
"Objectively speaking, the electoral law can be called absurdly democratic, because it establishes rules of the game which are not only clean and honest, but steeped in egalitarianism for a contest which... continuar...
Making the Economy Our Own: Interviews with UNAG Leaders
The National Union of Farmers and Cattle Ranchers (UNAG) is one of the strongest and most outspoken organizations in the country. Including nearly 125,000 members, from poor peasants to medium and even... continuar...
América Latina
The Last Word
In the following statement the Latin American nations known as the Group of Eight, minus Panama, meeting in Rio de Janeiro, make known their concern over the Panamanian elections, but reiterate their... continuar...