Central American University - UCA |
Number 465 | Abril 2020 |
The virus changed everything …
ged everything throughout the world,
dramatically highlighting the need for a State
and why the market is no substitute.
In Nicaragua, the pandemic has revealed the risks
Ortega and Murillo are willing to expose society to
by prioritizing money over life,
as the economic crisis they are responsible for
is the main threat to their ever more insecure power.
The virus has also shown the value of people’s mobilization
as Nicaraguans have again taken independent action
to defend life in clear opposition to the government.... continuar...
Nicaragau briefs
With the votes of 23 of the 34 States attending, Luis Almagro was reelected on March 20 to another five-year term as secretary... continuar...
“We’re getting better organized to engage the dictatorship”
This former legislative representative for various Liberal parties,
now a member of the Broad Front for Democracy (FAD)
and territorial organizing adviser of the r Civic Alliance,
describes what they are finding in Nicaragua’s heartland,
and the progress they were making before COVID-19
in organizing the blue and white opposition
in the municipalities and departments.... continuar...
Letter to Ernesto Cardenal from a young poet
Dear Father and friend;
You’ll never read this letter
because I’ll never be able to send it to you.
I wrote it to say my last good-bye.
I’m in debt to you...
I’ll never forget your sullen tender gaze
of a spiritual child trapped in
an undying elderly man’s body
when you read my verses,
when you told me about
your work as a sculptor…
I never thought you were going to die…... continuar...
El Salvador
Authoritarian rule in times of coronavirus
With coercion and extreme preventive measures
aimed at controlling the spread of the coronavirus,
El Salvador is counting not on “flattening the curve”
so much as preventing it from even developing.
If the fearsome curve were left to take its course,
millions in this crowded country could be infected
and tens of thousands could die. ... continuar...
The world after coronavirus
The pandemic has faced humankind with two sets of choices.
The first: totalitarian surveillance or citizen empowerment.
The second: nationalist isolation or global solidarity.
To deal with the pandemic, a well-informed population
is much more powerful than a policed, ignorant one.
Global cooperation is the only effective measure against it
Let’s hope the coronavirus helps humankind to realize
the acute danger posed by global disunity.... continuar...