Central American University - UCA |
Number 431 | Junio 2017 |
Three economic storm clouds looming in Nicaragua’s skies
The Ortega government still seems averse to
making any changes to its authoritarian model
despite having no friends left in Washington,
a bullying and erratic new US President,
and a Congress very likely to approve the Nica Act,
the economic consequences of which are
further complicated by the falloff of
Venezuelan cooperation.
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Nicaragua briets
In a two-day summit held in China in mid-May, attended by representatives of 110 countries including 28 heads of State, President Xi Jinping... continuar...
Sexual abuse of children is a Nicaraguan pandemic
These two psychologists, both survivors of childhood sexual abuse,
share their experiences and lessons learned in the Aguas Bravas Foundation,
which this year celebrates 10 years accompanying other women survivors
of sexual abuse in Nicaragua.
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Fear is the message of the first 100 days of Trump’s migration policies
Donald Trump hasn’t issued any novel executive order on migration
or even done “more of the same”; he just repeated what existed before.
His issuing of one order after another on the subject during his first 100 days
was more to send out the message that he’s taken matters into his hands,
and above all to hammer home a message of fear to Americans
the message that they‘re under threat from aliens,
that immigration is a danger to national security,
not just to employment or the economy.
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El Salvador
The anti-mining law is a historic victory over the “dazzle of gold”
Many factors joined to achieve this victory.
The frame on which the struggle was woven
involved demonstrating that all mines contaminate;
the mining industry doesn’t produce economic development
and doesn’t even create a significant amount of decent jobs.
By exposing the lies and revealing the truths about mining
the Salvadoran people united to obtain a victory for all,
but it’s only one step in dealing with the country’s
serious environmental deterioration.
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It would seem that “the party’s over”
The US offensive waged through the CICIG in 2015
reached the historically untouchable economic elite.
It’s been a major blow, suggesting that the United States,
the power behind Guatemala’s 1954 counterrevolution,
is at long last putting an end to it.
At least while President Obama was in office,
the actors in the Elites’ Pact were being told
“That’s all! The party’s over!”
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The forests are alive and they are sacred
Although President Donald Trump may deny it,
climate change is already posing a real threat to humanity.
It is the most pressing environmental challenge the world faces.
If we don’t halt it, the woods, a source of life, will be extinguished.
The following experience, begun in Panama’s Ngäbe-Buglé Region,
offers a small great hope, perhaps an inspiration for other communities.
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