Central American University - UCA |
Number 399 | Octubre 2014 |
The right to the truth and the duty to provide it
The population’s right to know the truth
in order to exercise its citizenship
is violated just as much with
silence and half-truths as with lies.
For the past seven years the government has
said nothing or lied or provided opaque information
about events of major importance for the entire country.... continuar...
PRESIDENT ORTEGA’S HEALTH A September 10 communiqué by the Sandinista Renovation Movement (MRS) responding to the official information about the meteorite that supposedly fell on Managua also... continuar...
“We’re going to defend our paradise against mining”
This first-hand testimony by two Rancho Grande residents on the
municipality’s resistance to B2Gold mining company ‘s Pavón project
is complemented by contributions from Juan Carlos Arce,
the Nicaraguan Human Rights Center representative in Matagalpa,
and extracts from reports by both it and the Humboldt Center
in June and August of this year, respectively.... continuar...
Questions about the canal’s economic “viability”
Environmental aspects predominate in the debate about
the proposed interoceanic canal with which civil society
has filled the vacuum left by the government’s silence.
But what about this megaproject’s economic viability?
So far, this fundamental aspect is scarcely visible.
Here are some basic questions Nicaraguans should be asking.
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The painful load we Nicaraguans carry
TED (which stands for Technology, Entertainment, Design)
is an initiative that was started in the US some 30 years ago
to find people with ideas and experiences worth sharing.
TED came to Nicaragua in 2011.
After a careful selection process,
13 participants were chosen to speak 20 minutes
in a session held this September 27.
Nicarguan psychologist Martha Cabrera was one of them.
Here she shares with us her contribution that night.... continuar...
El Salvador
Community Policing: A strategic leap for the PNC
The National Civil Police,
born of the 1992 Peace Accords,
has operated with authoritarian leadership
and militarized training for all these years.
But a path has been set to change things
and develop the community policing model
the FMLN government has prioritized,
to the benefit of the communities,
the country as a whole and
the police officers themselves.... continuar...
LIBRE, hummingbirds and the archipelago
The logic of Honduras’ LIBRE party,
which pulled nearly a million votes last year,
has been no different than that of the traditional parties:
hunker down, make yourself comfortable and play to the balcony.
And the logic of many of the country’s social organizations
is to fertilize and jealously tend to their own small islands,
forming an unstable archipelago in the country’s sea of calamities.
The logic of hummingbirds, on the other hand,
is to feed life drop by drop and fly incessantly
to try to beat death.... continuar...
“The ‘haves’ destroy but we, the ‘have nots,’ rebuild”
The increasing neoliberalism imposed by Mexico’s elite,
has moved the struggle of the poor and working class
into a new phase.
Condemnation is not enough.
Indigenous peoples and organized collectives
are preparing for intense and sustained resistance.... continuar...
América Latina
It’s time to change the drug policies
The 5th Latin American and 1st Central American Conference on Drug Policies
was held in San José, Costa Rica, on September 3-4, with cooperation and support
from both United Nations and Organization of American States agencies.
This is an official summary of the ideas shared by the participating specialists.
Nicaragua, with its extremely conservative official positions,
was not represented at the event.... continuar...