Central American University - UCA |
Number 376 | Noviembre 2012 |
2012 municipal elections: Chronicle of an outcome foretold
Nicaragua’s municipal elections were on November 4.
Almost everything that happened could be seen coming,
which means the current scenarios will continue and intensify.
Nicaragua has a break from more electoral races until November 2016.
Will we by then have constructed a new political scenario?... continuar...
CONTROVERSIAL PURÍSIMA PUBLICITY At the initiative of President Ortega and his wife, the government of Nicaragua took steps to get UNESCO to declare the traditional “La Gritería” as Cultural... continuar...
How we got to these “low intensity” elections
A seasoned national electoral observer’s appraisal
of the political climate and conditions for voters
just five days before the November 4
municipal elections.... continuar...
Totonicapán: The story of the first massacre since the peace
On October 4 the army opened fire on indigenous protestors
demonstrating for a just cause in the strategic Totonicapán area,
whose indigenous population is unusually well organized.
This is the chronicle of the events, the historical and political context, the messages left and the lessons learned from this conflict.... continuar...
Costa Rica
From Calero Island to the “Dirt Road”
The boundary dispute between the Nicaraguan and Costa Rican governments has recurred throughout both nations’ republican era. The most recent such conflict flared up in October 2010. And it is still burning. Here is essential data for understanding what happened during these past two years.... continuar...
The Third Horseman of Neoliberalism: The Neo-Pentecostals (part 5)
Each era produces its own religious products
that generate meaning and identity.
Neo-Pentecostalism has found its moment
in the current “liquid Central America”
and is having great success mixing a cocktail of
Calvinist managerialism and positive thinking.
Is that what Central America’s middle classes
are looking for in Neo-Pentecostalism?... continuar...
América Latina
The 7-O results in Venezuela
Read with the outdated lens of the Cold War,
the Venezuelan elections were a contest between
US imperialism and the continental revolution
in a country split in two by opposing political visions
for the country and with no viable third option.
Below some basic data and a few conclusions
about the October 7 (“7-0”) election results.... continuar...