Envío Digital
Central American University - UCA  
  Number 372 | Julio 2012



The dilemmas of these rainy months
To sanction more or not to sanction? To negotiate or not to negotiate? To run or not to run? To vote or not to vote? These are some of the dilemmas facing the US government, the Ortega government, Nicaragua’s parliamentary opposition and the opposition in society in the coming months.... continuar...


COSTA RICA REJECTS RULING AGAINST IT ON HIGHWAY ISSUE On July 2 the six justices of the Central American Court of Justice (CCJ) issued a unanimous ruling against the Costa Rican State for “ecological... continuar...


Are we prepared for “the perfect storm”?
What impact could the conflict with the United States, currently expressed in the debate about the waivers, have on Nicaragua’s economy and on the government’s economic strategy? And what unique opportunity has Nicaragua had with the exceptional funding the Ortega government is receiving from Venezuelan cooperation? Has it made the best of that opportunity?... continuar...


Rhetoric, slogans and metaphors of the revolutionary years
The Sandinista revolution abounded in rhetoric. Every month a new slogan, a new song, new metaphors. With 33 years behind us we can now begin to reflect on the myths that enclosed, the manipulations that hid, the dreams that expressed and the vacuum in which all developed. This text, and exercise in memory, is just and introduction, an appetizer.... continuar...


Coffee with the aroma of coops
These coffee coops were born with the revolution, gaining access to land but being limited by war. They now have three decades under their belt, two working in alliance with Fair Trade organizations and cultivating ties with private enterprise. They have had to swim against the tide of adverse governments between 1990 and 2006 and against the tide of a favorable government in both the revolutionary years and now. Today, their challenge is to reinvent themselves and take advantage of the opportunity afforded them by the crisis in the Fair Trade movement. If they succeed, they’ll have staged their own revolution.... continuar...


The legacy of a brilliant generation of bishops
With the death of Cardinal Quezada Toruño, who was archbishop of Guatemala for years, a brilliant generation of Guatemalan bishops is starting to die out. Will the succeeding generation be up to their brilliant legacy? It’s a question that’s resounding around the Catholic Church of this Central American country.... continuar...


Notes on the Ngabe culture
After a lot of reading and years of living with Panama’s Ngabe people and listening their language, I’ve gotten to know them well enough to dare to share these reflections and notes about their culture.... continuar...


Letter to a young man leaving Cuba
This letter, written in May of this year, reflects something of today’s generational change in Cuba and something of the island’s new political language seeking to explain it. It was headed by this biblical text, from St. Paul’s instructions to Timothy: “Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity… Watch your life and doctrine closely. Persevere in them because if you do, you’ll save both yourself and your hearers.” 1 Timothy 4:12-16... continuar...


Fifty years after Vatican II: What are the challenges?
The Second Vatican Council began half a century ago (1962-1965), and was the Catholic Church’s most important, positive event in centuries. While interpretations of its meaning and results continue to be debated, the world has rapidly moved on. The challenges now facing Catholicism and Christianity go well beyond the problems the Council tried to address They require new thinking, new attitudes and a new boldness.... continuar...


The terms of today’s ecological debate
The Río+20 Conference on the global ecological situation is over. Beyond the results, which did not meet expectations or needs, there are new concepts in the current debate that call to all of us and make us all responsible. Some of these new terms are: eco-development, green economy, ecological footprint and anthropocene.... continuar...

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Envío offers information and analysis on Nicaragua from Nicaragua, on Central America from Central America, on the larger world we want to transform and on that other possible world we are working to bring about.

Envío a monthly magazine of analysis on Central America