Central American University - UCA |
Number 369 | Abril 2012 |
Talks? Horse-trading? A shady deal? A pact? A national dialogue?
What should we call the political opposition’s bid to the government?
Both those who are proposing it and those who are publicly
criticizing and rejecting it have given it various labels.
Meanwhile, the government’s waiting and watching,
opting to forswear its normal name-calling.
We won’t know how to name what’s going on
until the process unfolds a little further,
and above all until we see the results.... continuar...
MURDER OF FACUNDO CABRAL Alejandro Jiménez, a Costa Rican known as “El Palidejo” (paleface), accused of murdering Argentine singer Facundo Cabral in Guatemala on July 9 of last year, was captured... continuar...
Has municipal autonomy been damaged? And what have we women gained?
This radio journalist specializing in municipal issues
discusses the implications, contradictions and possible meanings
of the Municipality Law reform, passed on March 8,
“in honor of Nicaraguan women.”... continuar...
El Salvador
A reading of the elections
All parties were measuring their strength
in the March 11 legislative/municipal elections,
as they gear up for the presidential race in 2014.
The FMLN suffered a serious reversal
in the Metropolitan Area of San Salvador,
after having won the presidency in 2009.
If it wants to repeat its earlier performance,
it will have to “read” these results accurately.... continuar...
Decriminalizing drugs: Pandora’s Box or the path to peace?
What’s behind the new President’s proposal
to decriminalize drugs throughout Central America?
Whatever the answer, it’s important and refreshing
to have brought up this much-needed debate.
While decriminalizing drugs without the required reflection
would open up a Pandora’s Box with uncontrollable consequences,
a well-grounded debate leading to responsible decisions
could open the way to a peace we don’t have today.... continuar...
Pope Benedict XVI’s visit to violence-torn Mexico
Pope Benedict XVI visited Mexico for three days.
It was a trip full of silences and contradictions
in a country that has been lacerated by violence
caused by the war against drug trafficking.... continuar...
América Latina
Immigration policies during the Obama administration
The US has an age-old ambivalence about immigrants.
It proclaims the human rights of all citizens of the Union,
but denies to others the citizenship associated with those rights.
The country needs immigrants to fill jobs, and they’re given work,
but at the same time they’re denied their papers.
The Obama government’s paralysis isn’t for lack of policy.
The immigration policies during Obama’s time
crudely express this ambivalence.... continuar...