Envío Digital
Central American University - UCA  
  Number 368 | Marzo 2012



Days of ash
Christianity’s Lent is 40 days of reflection and penitence starting on Ash Wednesday and lasting till Holy Thursday. The Catholic liturgy reminds believers that everything we are, have and plan, everything we think is solid, will turn to ash; that nothing and no one is eternal. The events in the first two months of President Ortega’s new term seem to be urging the governing party to reflect as well.... continuar...


SEXUAL ABUSE IN THE CHURCH Rome’s Pontifical Gregorian University held a symposium titled “Towards healing and renewal” in the Vatican during the first days of February. The objective was to... continuar...


The quality of public education is endangering the country’s future
This educational researcher reflects on the limitations of Nicaragua’s educational system and describes what quality education would be like.... continuar...


Memories of a feminist generation
What battles did feminists have to wage during the eighties? What did they achieve and in which areas? What obstacles did they face? What do they feel remains of their efforts? The author interviewed eight women who fought for a transformation that would take their rights into account and for a society that would break out of the provincial constraints produced by conservatism, misogyny and machismo.... continuar...


A ship of State in flame and sinking
A public opinion survey conducted in late 2011 portrays a depressed, mistrustful society and collapsed political institutionality. A change of course is urgently needed to put out the fires and ensure that the ship doesn’t sink.... continuar...


We live in a country that murders women
The National Autonomous University¡¦s Observatory of Violence shows Honduras to be the most violent country in the world with 86 homicides for every 100,000 inhabitants. Official statistics show that a woman is murdered every 18 hours, with most of the victims young women simply walking in the streets.... continuar...


“Non-histories” of the Ngäbe and the Buglé
Twelve percent of Panama’s population is made up of seven original peoples—among them the Ngäbe and the Buglé. Major forests and water suitable for hydroelectric projects are found in their five indigenous districts. Here are snapshots of the most recent resistance and repression in the Ngäbes’ land struggle against the government. They bring to light the deep roots of a history of racism and exclusion.... continuar...


Self-employment is back
When this Nicaraguan university student went to Cuba to research the self-employment that had officially opened up, she found that micro-businesses were flourishing in Havana. Why are these changes in the economy happening? Can they be sustained with no political opening? Has Cuban society changed? These are her reflections.... continuar...

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Envío offers information and analysis on Nicaragua from Nicaragua, on Central America from Central America, on the larger world we want to transform and on that other possible world we are working to bring about.

Envío a monthly magazine of analysis on Central America