Envío Digital
Central American University - UCA  
  Number 366 | Enero 2012



A rerun with contradictions inside and out
Contradictions within the FSLN began to surface even before Daniel Ortega’s presidential rerun ceremony on January 10. In his speech, Ortega reiterated that he wanted to keep doing “the same thing we did these past five years, but even better.” Can he resolve the contradictions inside his party and those starting to affect him from outside, just by doing “more of the same”?... continuar...


LAW ON VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN APPROVED By an almost unanimous vote, the National Assembly passed the Comprehensive Law against Violence against Women on January 26. As is typical of Nicaraguan... continuar...


Confronting the Ortega regime requires national unity
This leader of the Sandinista Renovation Movement, which joined the PLI Alliance in the recent elections, reflects on the challenges the country’s current situation poses for both the political and civic opposition.... continuar...


How did they commit the fraud?
An empirical basis for talking about fraud is revealed in the electoral data collected and in the population’s generalized perception that the irregularities in the 2011 elections were so widespread and varied that we can’t know the real result, as the author shows in this detailed analysis of last November’s electoral fraud.... continuar...


The human genome: A way to read the “book of life”
Fifteen years after the international program to sequence the Human Genome was launched and almost a decade after it was published in 2003, how do the chances of applying this flood of knowledge look in impoverished countries such as Nicaragua? Could we gain access to this scientific-technological program? And what use would it have for us?... continuar...

El Salvador

Mapping the Salvadoran media
Democratizing the mass media is indispensable to democratizing a society. In El Salvador, the powerful economic groups’ media monopoly hinders democracy. They are accumulation media rather than communication media, and they are building an anti-democratic hegemony. Grassroots sectors need to take on the struggle for grassroots media with which to build a fairer society.... continuar...


What the new President did and didn’t say
Retired General Otto Pérez Molina, Guatemala’s new President, began his speech by announcing, rather demagogically: “The change has begun, the change has arrived, the change you were promised, that I gave my word about.” But invoking and promising change isn’t the same as achieving it. The new government’s four years will demonstrate whether or not he can.... continuar...


The peace movement and the government’s warlike responses
After five years of Calderon’s “war on drugs,” the terrible results are 63,700 dead and more than 10,000 disappeared, with 98% of these cases unsolved. The peace movement poet Javier Sicilia heads is continuing to speak out, organize, mobilize and continually call for meetings and dialogue. Calderon’s response has been ferocious repression. Amid so much horror, the peace movement and the Zapatistas are both announcing new plans.... continuar...

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Envío offers information and analysis on Nicaragua from Nicaragua, on Central America from Central America, on the larger world we want to transform and on that other possible world we are working to bring about.

Envío a monthly magazine of analysis on Central America