Envío Digital
Central American University - UCA  
  Number 348 | Julio 2010



The Games We Played During the Soccer World Cup
While baseball traditionally reigns in Nicaragua, we caught soccer fever during the World Cup finals. With Nicaragua distracted by that universal passion, President Ortega kept playing his own dirty games. His newest one is State vs. municipal governments, and he scored major goals in his quest for the cup, presumably the November 2011 elections. ... continuar...


MINE-FREE NICARAGUA The Army of Nicaragua announced on June 18 that the National Humanitarian De-mining Program begun 21 years ago has finally concluded, leaving Nicaragua free of mines. As... continuar...


Civil Society’s Representation In the Association Agreement
This civil society representative at the negotiations for the Association Agreement (AA) between the European Union and Central America shares details of Central American civil society’s advocacy during the process that concluded in May.... continuar...


The Contradictory Legacy of the Sandinista Agrarian Reform
Thirty-one years after the triumph of the revolution some traces can still be found throughout the country of the Sandinista government’s agrarian reform. Some are set in boiling lava; others are no longer visible, just footprints in the sand… What did this project achieve? What are its contradictions? How many things were right, how many were mistakes? How much of it was paternalistic? What legacy remains of the agrarian reform, for good or for ill?... continuar...


Will the Fight against Impunity Continue? Will We End Up a Failed State?
The resignation of CICIG head Carlos Castresana hit Guatemala like a bombshell. Completely worn out, Castresana threw in the towel, leaving Guatemala uncertain whether CICIG and the fight against impunity will now become a low-intensity struggle. The State is riddled with corruption and some think it will only take a spark for Guatemala to go up in flames, favoring drug-related criminal capital.... continuar...


What the Coup Left Us
The elections and the new government have resolved nothing; they’ve only helped deepen the crisis caused by the year-old coup. President Lobo doesn’t hold real power and while those who always have are pushing for solutions, they don’t respond to a society shaken by the coup. We need a debate to hammer out a new social pact and a new Constitution that reflects it. Does the Resistance Front have a role?... continuar...


Crime and No Punishment
The media highlight organized crime’s spiraling illegal activities every day. But they pay little attention to the spiral of state violence in crimes against grassroots movements and protests, which are equally cloaked in impunity.... continuar...


The New Religious Identities
“The challenge of the 21st century won’t be dialogue among religions but rather dialogue between religious and nonreligious people,” says this expert who offers us a brief assessment of the situation of religions “given the supply and demand” of new religious identities we see emerging everywhere.... continuar...

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Envío offers information and analysis on Nicaragua from Nicaragua, on Central America from Central America, on the larger world we want to transform and on that other possible world we are working to bring about.

Envío a monthly magazine of analysis on Central America