Envío Digital
Central American University - UCA  
  Number 335 | Junio 2009



El Salvador and Nicaragua: So Near and Yet So Far
The FMLN’s electoral victory and the initiation of President Mauricio Funes’ administration in El Salvador have triggered high expectations in Central America. And, although “all comparisons are detestable,” they at least let us tease out some contrasts with Nicaragua.... continuar...


MISKITU INDEPENDENCE SUPPORTED IN SOUTH In an act held in Bluefields in May, representatives of the Miskitu population in Nicaragua’s southern Caribbean region decided to support the Miskitu... continuar...


So Far the AA Is of No Use to Us
The author participated in the “side room” consultations in the negotiations resulting in the Central American Free Trade Agreement with the United States. He’s now involved in Central America’s negotiations for the signing of an association agreement with the European Union. Based on those experiences, he points to some of the problems faced in both processes.... continuar...


Are We Surfing the Internet Or Have We Run Aground?
Information and communication technologies are the new arenas where today’s youth can learn and come together. So how is Nicaragua navigating this network of knowledge? Have we run aground in these vast, uncharted waters?... continuar...

El Salvador

Disputing the Underpinnings of Impunity
In his inaugural speech, President Mauricio Funes upbraided the outgoing ARENA for “governing for the few, being complacent toward corruption and both fearing and abetting organized crime.” He promised a different government, one not influenced by “family privileges, abusive patronage and murky godfather vices.” But the limitations on fulfilling this pledge are greater than the possibilities.... continuar...


The Rosenberg Case: A Guatemalan Labyrinth
“My name is Rodrigo Rosenberg Marzano. Unfortunately if you are seeing this message it’s because I was killed by President Álvaro Colom.” The murder of Rosenberg, a respected lawyer, followed by his incredible videotaped accusation, has entangled Guatemala in an intricate political maze at a time when the country is in a severe economic crisis. Is there a way out?... continuar...


The Legion of Christ: A Rotten Fruit
The legend of Marcial Maciel, now deceased, is tarnished by his scandalous life as a depraved pederast, lover of money and accessory to the rich. But his Legion of Christ, founded with Pope John Paul II’s blessing, is still with us. An investigation of this religious business organization, ordered by Pope Benedict XVI, is now underway. Will this rotten fruit be separated from the rest or will it go on contaminating the Church?... continuar...

América Latina

Fernando Lugo: Irresponsibility and Machismo
The Paraguay Women’s Coordinating Committee (CMP), a network of 10 organizations that has been working for women’s rights for 22 years, released this communiqué on April 26 to present their reflections and positions on events related to President Fernando Lugo’s paternity.... continuar...

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Envío offers information and analysis on Nicaragua from Nicaragua, on Central America from Central America, on the larger world we want to transform and on that other possible world we are working to bring about.

Envío a monthly magazine of analysis on Central America