Envío Digital
Central American University - UCA  
  Number 320 | Marzo 2008



Lots of Clashes, Little Light And Still No Way Forward
“With their clashes, political parties produce the light that marks the way.” Arnoldo Alemán’s PLC and Eduardo Montealegre’s ALN opened their unity agreement in January 2008 with that grandiloquent phrase from the Liberal Manifesto of 1910. This month has seen many clashes and embraces between those two parties as well as defensive comings-together and offensive breakings-apart among all the political parties, but they don’t indicate any course.... continuar...


ANICARAGUA’S STARVED FUTURE Research by the Nutrition Unit of the Education Ministry’s Comprehensive School Nutrition Program (PINE) has revealed that 27% of Nicaragua’s public school students... continuar...


CPCs Around the Country Are Waiting For ‘Guidance’ from Higher Up
These two leaders of the Local Democracy and Development Network share the results of its monitoring of how the Councils of Citizens’ Power are shaping up in municipalities where the network has a presence..... continuar...


A Story of Hope: Six Months of Breaking Silences
It’s time to expose the grave after-effects of sexual abuse. This tragedy continues to be a silent epidemic in Nicaragua, but today that silence is finally beginning to be broken, and by the very women who used to hush the “secret.” This is a story of hope, field notes of an experience that may liberate many Nicaraguan women.... continuar...


Indignant (and Substantiated) Clues To the CENI Fraud and Renegotiation
Should the CENI bonds be honored or not? Why were they issued and who benefited most? Wasn’t there any better way to deal with the problem? Were there illegalities and, if so, who committed them? Was Eduardo Montealegre the only one responsible? This article helps clear up the essential questions on the complex and controversial CENI labyrinth.... continuar...


Can Álvaro Colom Become a Social Democratic President?
There’s undoubtedly a move for change in Guatemala, but there are also well-founded suspicions that dark forces within the government itself are trying to block any moves in that direction. Only time will tell if social democrat President Álvaro Colom will end up heading a Social Democratic government, thus vindicating his historical heritage.... continuar...


Remittances Are Far More Than A Development Panacea
What and whom are remittances good for? After being silenced, scorned or utterly ignored, they now occupy a major place among regional analyses. But they are examined and valued from a financial perspective that ignores the social and patriarchal relationships they destroy or build, the family micro-policy they determine and the state reduction they encourage. They need to be examined with less ingenuousness and more responsibility. ... continuar...

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Envío offers information and analysis on Nicaragua from Nicaragua, on Central America from Central America, on the larger world we want to transform and on that other possible world we are working to bring about.

Envío a monthly magazine of analysis on Central America