Envío Digital
Central American University - UCA  
  Number 316 | Noviembre 2007



With Water, Water Everywhere, Who’s on the President’s Ark?
Following on the heels of Hurricane Felix, which ravaged the Caribbean Coast, two weeks of incessant rain flooded much of the Pacific side of the country, leaving in its wake enwhat was formally declared a “national disaster.” Who has a first class ticket to ride on the presidential ark now plowing the waves of the deluge?... continuar...


HURRICANE FELIX: HELP AND HUNGER A month and a half after Hurricane Felix ravaged the North Atlantic Autonomous Region (RAAN), Laura De Clementi, the representative of the UN Food and Agriculture... continuar...


Gambling Away Our Future with Decisions We’re Making Today
This Nicaraguan economist offers his reflections and his passionate concern about the government’s new IMF agreement, its treatment of the controversial domestic debt and the logic of next year’s budget— so like those of the previous neoliberal government.... continuar...


Ticaraguans: Bi-national Identities on the Liquid Border
The nations’ old wineskins can no longer hold the new wine of population dynamics, information flows and social strategies. Those living along borders always have a foot in each country with ties that bind strong and fast on both sides. This is happening on the banks of the Río San Juan, essence of Nicaraguan-ness, object of absurd rivalries, but also the birthplace of bi-national identities and, with more time and volition, a bi-national citizenry.... continuar...

El Salvador

Business Social Responsibility: Poisoned by Lead and Vested Interests
The case of Baterías de El Salvador, SA de CV, which has been poisoning thousands of people with lead for years, has put the much-touted “business responsibility” strategy on the stand. While some businesspeople are surely concerned about “their” workers and the planet, we can’t let workers and communities, much less the planet, depend on their good will. It’s up to the state and governments to guarantee their population’s welfare.... continuar...


The Reasons, Passions and Values Behind a Vote
Álvaro Colom is the country’s new President. Will he follow the footsteps of his uncle, Manuel Colom Argueta, perhaps Guatemala’s most remarkable political leader of the last 50 years before being assassinated in 1979? The next four years will tell. What we already know is that the collective political will rejected a government run by the retired military officer who was Colom’s opponent in the run-off elections. It is a positive decision of great symbolic value.... continuar...


Omoa Beach Smells of Gas, Impunity and Corruption
The gas terminal belonging to a Mexican company guilty of evading Honduran taxes is damaging and putting at risk people, animals, plants, water, beaches, seas and monuments. While official institutions have a passive attitude toward all this, an Italian who loves Honduras more than many Hondurans is taking on the company, impunity and general corruption from what he calls “the last beach of my life.”... continuar...

América Latina

Latin American Radio: Six Contributions to Development
In six decades Latin American radio has made six big contributions to the region’s development: taking its educational responsibility seriously, mobilizing the population, defending cultural identities, recovering people’s self-esteem by giving them back their words, empowering the citizenry to claim their rights, and democratizing its own content by exploiting the Internet.... continuar...

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Envío a monthly magazine of analysis on Central America