Envío Digital
Central American University - UCA  
  Number 309 | Abril 2007



A Hundred Days in Babel
The government is sticking to its anti-neoliberal discourse, right alongside compliance with the IMF’s neoliberal policies. It’s confronting the United States while seeking its benevolence. It’s cultivating friendship with and investments from both Chinas. And it’s juggling both ALBA and CAFTA, the prelude to the FTAA. The presidential family claims that the “citizenry” is in power, but attempts to organize that citizenry by centralizing power. The governing couple is managing all these contradictions not from the presidential offices, but from their own home, which is in turn the office of their party’s secretariat. The revolution they propose this time is “spiritual” but they are promoting a cultural involution. The only things clear are that the pact lives and that the same figures still dominate all three sides of the triangle of power.... continuar...


THE DEBATE OVER ETHANOL HEATS UP After George W. Bush’s trip through Latin America in March, the issue of producing bio-fuels to replace the contaminating, costly and ever scarcer petroleum has... continuar...


Navigating the Contradiction Between democracy and Social Justice
This Sandinista intellectual points out the initial tendencies he perceives in the FSLN administration not as an FSLN militant or as an adviser to the government’s Zero Hunger program, both of which he is, but as an analyst, because he can “read the compass more adequately that way.” ... continuar...


The Legacy of Mitch: Are We Ready for Another Disaster?
Hurricane Match may have taken away a lot, but it left laws, experience, organization, aid and technology. For all that, however, nine years after Nicaragua mourned its dead, it still suffers financial dependency, its efforts are dispersed, its institutions politicized and its predators unpunished. So are we really ready for the next disaster?... continuar...


After 25 Years: Formal Democracy But More Social Tragedy
Twenty-five years after the founding of a constitutional system in Honduras, insecurity is part of most people’s daily life. The money migrants send home floats the economy. The bipartite political class has grown more cynical: the two parties each have their distinguishing colors, but they come together around the color of money. People’s solutions are increasingly individual, but the author offers arenas in which they can make collective demands.... continuar...


The Economic Power Groups’ Influence and Control Today
In this last of three articles, the author argues that the power of Central America’s big economic groups and their influence on public policy formulation and execution is affecting both democracy and development in the region. The conflictive relationship between democracy and the market is one of the most urgent issues we need to discuss today.... continuar...

América Latina

No Salvation Apart from the Poor
“There’s no salvation outside of the Church,” the ecclesiastical hierarchy has claimed for centuries. There’s no salvation apart from the world,” according to Vatican II in the 1960s, when the Church finally opened its windows onto the modern world. Jon Sobrino, pride of Central America and the universal Church, asserts that “there’s no salvation apart from the poor.” This proposal, rooted in liberation theology, comes to us as Latin America’s bishops prepare to meet in Brazil.... continuar...

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Envío offers information and analysis on Nicaragua from Nicaragua, on Central America from Central America, on the larger world we want to transform and on that other possible world we are working to bring about.

Envío a monthly magazine of analysis on Central America