Envío Digital
Central American University - UCA  
  Number 303 | Octubre 2006



Surprises and Special Effects On the Way to Election Day
The election flick is on its final reel. With only weeks to go before November 5, the special effects increased, as was to be expected. Here’s a rundown of some of the main special effects and surprises observed up to October 10.... continuar...


In Tight Elections, Annulling Votes Can Change the Results
This experienced Nicaraguan election observer appraises elements of the electoral process so far and offers some cautious but considered projections of what might happen on and after election day.... continuar...


MASSIVE METHANOL POISONING In early September, the hospital in León suddenly began to fill up with patients suffering from severe cardiac, renal and cerebral problems, many of whom died within... continuar...


A Train Ride Through Memory and History
The “Cultural Train,” an innovative experimental project, toured the country this year to rekindle the memory of Nicaragua’s most important educational event ever: the 1980 National Literacy Crusade. Fueled by a blend of effort and creativity, the Train will keep circulating ideas, values and memories.... continuar...


An Unyielding Movement Challenges the Fraud
Mexico’s electoral fraud turned those from below into active, unyielding rebels. The powers that orchestrated the fraud have demanded that they submit, but to no avail. The whole institutional scaffolding of the transition to democracy has collapsed. Calderón will govern a divided, outraged and rebellious country.... continuar...


A Fifth of Our People Lives Hungry
Live hungry: no one says it like that. We say, “They’re hungry.” But in Central America, where a fifth of the people are underfed, we can truly say these people “live hungry.” It’s like starving to death in slow motion.... continuar...

América Latina

Politics and Energy: Now and for the Future
Petroleum, natural gas, hydroelectricity, supply networks, new renewable energy technology, nuclear energy and more… Managing the energy challenge each Latin American country faces is very complex nowadays and will be decisive for the future. The new energy grids and interconnections may one day lead to Latin America’s longed-for integration.... continuar...

América Latina

AIDS and Migrants: A Perverse Association
The dangerous and perverse linking of migrants to AIDS, characterizing them as “at-risk groups” and vectors spreading the HIV virus, is rooted in cultural prejudices fed by numerous misleading statistics.... continuar...

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Envío offers information and analysis on Nicaragua from Nicaragua, on Central America from Central America, on the larger world we want to transform and on that other possible world we are working to bring about.

Envío a monthly magazine of analysis on Central America