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Central American University - UCA |
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Number 302 | Septiembre 2006 |
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![Anuncio](/images/header.jpg) Nicaragua
Are We Ready to Leap Out of Poverty In a Single Bound?
What legacy is President Enrique Bolaños leaving his successor?
His triumphal posturing suggests he’s done all there was to do and more.
At the risk of damping the electoral campaign’s festive, overly optimistic air,
it’s time to return to earth and sum up his administration’s economic achievements,
which might also help reign in the candidates’ exaggerated promises. ... continuar...
Nicaragua Briefs
ABORTION CONTROVERSY On August 10, the final day of festivities honoring Santo Domingo, Managua’s patron saint, the tiny statue was carried through the streets bearing a huge sign reading “Abortion... continuar...
Nicaraguan Youth Gangs: From Throwing Stones to Smoking Rocks
Nicaraguan youth gang members have evolved from
throwing stones to smoking “rocks” of cocaine;
from planting their feet firmly on the ground of the territory they fearlessly defended
to floating in the clouds of a drug high.
Drug use and dealing have taken center stage in their activities. ... continuar...
The Odyssey of a Peasant Navigating the Seas of Power
Ullyses lived his odyssey in the Mediterranean,
navigating a sea teeming with fantastic powers.
Vicente Padilla, a humble but not humbled peasant
is going through his odyssey right here in Nicaragua,
navigating a sea lashed by waves of corruption and power.
His emblematic story gives us some insights into one of
Nicaragua’s most deeply felt structural dramas:
the tangled mess of property ownership.... continuar...
How Can Consensus Be Reached When the Conflict Is Denied?
A non-conflictive vision of politics predominates in the electoral promises of all of Nicaragua’s political parties today, urged by the international financial institutions and cooperation programs.
This sixth and final article in the author’s series on Nicaragua’s political parties,
asks whether the social consensus the country so sorely needs can be articulated
when the conflicts are merely swept under the rug. Isn’t the Left obliged to
make them visible in order to build a genuine consensus in which democracy can take root?... continuar...
To Be Young and Poor: Turf, Violence, Fear, Silence
My mom used to tell me it was cool to be young;
you could go out in the street wearing whatever you wanted.
But it’s not like that any more. To be young now is to be in a gang. If you’re not in a gang, you’re afraid of getting robbed or even killed. You can’t dress the way you want either, but rather the way others want. If you dress sloppy, the cops figure you’re in a gang and beat you up. If you dress up, you get mugged. You can’t win!”... continuar...
Inequality, Environmental Neglect And Apathetic Democracy
In Nicaragua, Honduras and El Salvador, democracy goes no further than elections.
The way out of underdevelopment is still based on cheap sweatshop labor and
cheap natural resources, without considering our environmental advantages.
We’re not doing well, and we’re heading down the wrong road.... continuar...
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