Envío Digital
Central American University - UCA  
  Number 267 | Octubre 2003



Nicaragua’s “New Era” Does an About-Face
The fight against corruption was the course plotted for the first year of President Bolaños’ “New Era.” But that route has now come to a dead end and Bolaños has made a complete u-turn. First stop on the new road: CAFTA. ... continuar...


CAFTA: “We’re Defining Whether We’ll Commit Suicide or Die a Natural Death”
The author, who is representing the National Federation of Cooperatives in the CAFTA negotiations’ “side room,”shares his experiences and analysis of the negotiations so far.... continuar...


PERCEPTION OF CORRUPTION Nicaragua obtained only a 2.6 rating in Transparency International’s 2003 Corruption Perception Index. Nicaragua is 88th among the 133 countries in which the organization... continuar...


"We're Saying No to CAFTA With Arguments and Conditions"
The president of the National Union of Farmers and Ranchers (UNAG), discusses the reality of agricultural production in Nicaragua and this sector’s proposals and concerns related to the US-Central American Free Trade Agreement currently being negotiated.... continuar...


The Caribbean Coast’s Traditional Leaders: An Endangered Species?
What arenas and decision-making powers do the coast’s traditional leaders still have vis-à-vis all the central government delegates, party delegates, mayors and autonomous government council members? Are pastors, teachers, councils of elders, ethnic group and community leaders in danger of extinction?... continuar...


2003 Elections: More Violence than Proposals
This year’s election campaigns are discouraging, not only because of the violence—including that inherent in Efraín Ríos Montt’s unconstitutional candidacy— but also because of the candidates’ lack of serious programs and proposals. ... continuar...

América Latina

Another Kind of Development and Integration Is Possible
If another world is possible and so many around the globe are working to make it happen, another kind of continental integration and development, different from what the United States is proposing with the FTAA, is also possible, and we should do the impossible to bring it about. ... continuar...

América Latina

The Legacy of a Life Intensely Lived
Jesuit economist Xabier Gorostiaga passed away on September 14, 2003. Among his many tireless activities on behalf of transforming the world into a more just place, he had written for envío since its first edition in June 1981. We celebrate his life by offering the following presentation he prepared for the World Social Forum in Porto Alegre in January 2002.... continuar...

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Envío offers information and analysis on Nicaragua from Nicaragua, on Central America from Central America, on the larger world we want to transform and on that other possible world we are working to bring about.

Envío a monthly magazine of analysis on Central America