Envío Digital
Central American University - UCA  
  Number 261 | Abril 2003



Thrown into a Worldwide Consciousness-Building Workshop
“If the nation is small...one dreams it big,” wrote 19th century Nicaraguan poet Rubén Darío. “If the nation is small...one hocks it for a song, ”Bolaños and his government seem to be telling us. Nicaragua, like the rest of the world, is learning a lot at this crucial moment in human history. First reflections from Nicaragua, after 17 days of war in Iraq. ... continuar...


The Experiences and Achievements of the Women’s Network against Violence
The executive secretary of the Women’s Network against Violence for the past eight years recounts the story of this branch of the Nicaraguan women’s movement, which has accumulated valuable experiences and achievements. ... continuar...


The Chronicle of a Reform Foretold
The tax reform is ready. Who wins and who loses? Will it bring equity or change things in any real way? What should it change? Will it also be a fiscal reform? The government promised it would be comprehensive, but what does that mean? Julio Francisco Báez, a lawyer specializing in fiscal law who sat on the reform’s Technical Advisory Committee, shares his views on these questions. ... continuar...


CLEANING UP THE JUDICIAL BRANCH The judicial branch has been in an upheaval since February, with dismissals, removals and controversial declarations following the revelation of a chain of scandalous... continuar...

El Salvador

Did the FMLN Win, Or ARENA Lose?
ARENA lost the elections because of its privatization program, its deficient social policy and its support for the US war against Iraq. With greater internal democracy and viable and creative alternatives, the FMLN could have wiped the floor with the governing party. ... continuar...


Protesting for Life: A Bold, Persistent Teachers’ Strike
Salvadoran health workers are fighting for health care. People in Honduras are demanding water. The Guatemalan teachers’ strike for education was bold and persistent and may be the start of something big. Is something new happening in Central America? ... continuar...


Zapatista Chiaroscuro: The Risk of Sectarianism
While anti-war protesters took to the streets in Mexico, Marcos explained why the Zapatistas wanted to go to Europe to work for peace, and why they decided not to go. Recent debates have again demonstrated both the Zapatistas’ achievements and their sectarianism and contradictions. ... continuar...


A Central American in the USA: Reflections on “The American Dream”
What does the “American dream” represent for the Central Americans who emigrate to the North? Only a nightmare? Today, when the United States has subjected the entire world to a waking nightmare by attacking Iraq, and Central Americans are dying on the battlefield too, it becomes even more necessary to reflect on the North from the South. ... continuar...

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Envío offers information and analysis on Nicaragua from Nicaragua, on Central America from Central America, on the larger world we want to transform and on that other possible world we are working to bring about.

Envío a monthly magazine of analysis on Central America