Central American University - UCA |
Number 260 | Marzo 2003 |
The Names of the Rose
At a time when millions of people were focused
on preventing the war against Iraq in the name of life,
a young Nicaraguan girl by the name of Rose won a place
in world headlines, and in so doing won affection.
In Nicaragua, her story opened the doors to a
necessary debate on a multitude of issues.
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Six Realistic Theories About the Mythical 6%
The 6% of the budget for university education
has become a mythical figure that encompasses a
thicket of thorny problems and a tangle of interests.
With students again clamoring for it, however,
the issue needs to be examined as if it were
fundamentally an economic problem.
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Municipal Governments and Natural Resources: Swimming Upstream?
Municipal governments are swimming against the current
to defend the natural resources in their area, often ineffectively.
But environmental protection and local economic benefits can
be compatible if we can get past the “doctrine of guilt.”
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In the February 19 UN debate on the Iraq issue, the Latin American countries did not present a united front. Nicaragua struck one of the most uncompromising postures... continuar...
El Salvador
Could the Community “Over There” Depolarize Politics “Over Here”?
The Salvadoran community abroad helps sustain
the country’s economy through the remittances it sends home,
but it has not yet exploited the political potential of this economic power.
Could it set up a new party, autonomous of ARENA and the FMLN,
to creatively link those “over there” with those “over here”?
Such a party could help depolarize the country and
open the way for development.
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Weakness, Inequality and Complicity
There is a general feeling that the country
has no economic direction and a growing impression
that President Ricardo Maduro will not see out his term in office.
There are also doubts about what is really behind
the fight against corruption.... continuar...
George W. Bush: A Dictator by Any Other Name...
On the brink of the US war against
Iraq, many governments are sticking to their
opposition while millions upon millions of citizens of the planet
are expressing their indignation and demanding peace.
Increasing numbers of US citizens are joining this cry.
The wise voice of this woman is one that should
be listened to attentively.
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Always at War against Someone
They say it’s not about oil.
But if Iraq produced little radishes instead of oil,
who would ever think of invading that country?
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War Is a Defeat for Humanity
We, the Jesuits of the Central American Province,
meeting in a Provincial Congregation in San Salvador in February 2003, would like to express the following:... continuar...