Envío Digital
Central American University - UCA  
  Number 236 | Marzo 2001



Casting Nicaragua’s Electoral Flick
Is there still enough time, space, desire and drawing power to build an alternative to the pact’s two-party system? If not, we may be moving dangerously close to the nihilism bred of having no one to vote for, and from there to more violence. ... continuar...


If the Elections Were Held Today…
Three weeks before former President Violeta Barrios de Chamorro declined the Conservative Party’s invitation to run for reelection due to its failure to open up its slot on the ballot to a broad alliance opposed to the PLC-FSLN pact, a new IDESO-UCA poll gave her the electoral victory in the first round.... continuar...


Economic Forecasting in an Election Year
Nestor Avendaño, a Ph.D. in economics who has worked in the past five governments, shared with envío his assessment of the national economy and his forecast for this last year of the Liberal administration, a very uncertain electoral year. ... continuar...


Dollarization: El Salvador’s Third Earthquake
The government of El Salvador sold the United States the image of a "stable economy" making possible an experiment with dollarizing. But what neither government could have predicted were the tremors of the fault-riddled land that sustains this economy. ... continuar...


The Agricultural Sector: Dominated by the QWERTY Economy
Nicaraguan agriculture provides a perfect example of the QWERTY economy, dominated not by rationality or liberty, but by routine, inertia and traditions that perpetuate inefficiency and prevent us from getting head. ... continuar...


TAKING FROM THE POOR The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) pressured President Alemán into issuing an order that would stop his Constitutionalist Liberal Party (PLC) from deducting "voluntary... continuar...

El Salvador

Santa María Ostuma: The Voice of the Earthquake Victims
In a corner of El Salvador, nine thousand people have been left homeless. What are their hopes? What are they thinking? How do they feel? What are they doing? One thing is for sure: there will only be real reconstruction if they are properly accompanied and their voices allowed to be heard. ... continuar...


No Coup, Just Irresponsible Government
Portillo promised to build his government on five pillars, but over a year into his term, he has not even begun to erect them. And while rumors of a coup d’état run through uatemala’s streets, this extremely irresponsible government has already dealt a sharp blow to the country as a whole. ... continuar...

América Latina

We Women Want Power
How can female leadership emerge and develop? What obstacles does it face and what characterizes it? And what can women’s different and more caring leadership contribute to democracy? ... continuar...

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Envío offers information and analysis on Nicaragua from Nicaragua, on Central America from Central America, on the larger world we want to transform and on that other possible world we are working to bring about.

Envío a monthly magazine of analysis on Central America