Envío Digital
Central American University - UCA  
  Number 209 | Diciembre 1998



A Time for Opportunities and Opportunists
The Mitch tragedy offers a unique potential, perhaps the last one, for a meeting of minds between state institutions and the organizations of civil society to transform Nicaragua and make it viable. An opportunity to weave threads of greater solidarity, realism and honesty, creative forms of austerity and shared responsibility back into the social fabric, into its political class and into its economic model. But the signs are that it will instead be used by opportunists, those quickest on their feet to further their own ambitions.... continuar...


How Managua Saw the Passage of Hurricane Mitch
How have people in Managua perceived and experienced the catastrophe brought by Mitch? Have the actions of the government and other sectors corresponded to what such an unexpected and grave event requires?... continuar...


POST-HURRICANE WATCH Posoltega: An Immodest Proposal On November 30, following the one-month outdoor mass held for the nearly two thousand people killed in the Posoltega mudslide, President... continuar...


Wiwilí With or Without Mitch: An X-Ray of Underdevelopment
envío traveled to Wiwilí, one of the many areas wounded by Mitch's fury, where the hurricane exposed the abandonment of Nicaragua's rural areas and showed just how backward our "development" already was. It left us with a diagnosis in black and white, like an all-revealing x-ray.... continuar...

El Salvador

How Do We Make a Country Self-Supporting?
Hurricane Mitch left 250 dead in El Salvador and, as in Honduras and Nicaragua, completely ruined thousands of poor peasants, especially in the eastern regions of San Miguel, La Unión, La Paz and Usulatán. There were wash-outs and cave-ins all over the country, whose tragic ecological conditions accentuated the devastation. One month before Mitch hit the region, Ricardo Navarro, a prestigious environmentalist from El Salvador, spoke on his country's environmental deterioration at a Latin American seminar in Quito, Ecuador. It was like a premonition. We have excerpted the following thoughts from a synthesis of his presentation prepared by the ALAI Information Service.... continuar...


First Reflections On the Wounds Mitch Inflicted
In the post-Mitch vortex, a month and a half after the passing of the hurricane, provisional analyses and people's impressions of the events experienced still predominate. The fact is that what we lived through was incredible. It was like some divine judgment, an historic insight for the whole country, an x-ray exposing Honduras' social structure.... continuar...


A Traumatic Odyssey in Urraco
The community of Urraco in the Sula valley was among those hardest hit by the raging waters that overflowed the banks of the Ulúa River. Seventy-year-old Jesuit priest Chema Cabello— "Cabellito"—was there, a witness and protagonist in one of the numerous stories that testify to the Honduran people's pain and heroism during Hurricane Mitch.... continuar...


The Hurricanes of a Model in Crisis
Mexico's transition to democracy seems more distant than ever, with drug problems, financial scandals, and more recently the distruption of an early debate over presidential succession. Then, as the year was coming to an end, volcanic eruptions and hurricanes struck Mexico. More than a few people see these natural disasters as emblems of what is happening in society. Before hitting Mexico, Hurricane Mitch spent most of its fury on Central America, especially Honduras and Nicaragua. The devastation is so extensive that Central America's Presidents have urged that there be a kind of Marshall Plan for the region. ... continuar...

América Latina

Pinochet Under Arrest The End of Voluntaristic Democracy
It is not only finances and stock markets that have been globalized. So have the law and the struggle against impunity, as the Pinochet case shows. How do Chileans view it? We offer here the very suggestive and personal reflections of a Chilean academic and keen observer concerning the “failure” that is hidden behind this colossal and unexpected triumph of justice.... continuar...

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Envío offers information and analysis on Nicaragua from Nicaragua, on Central America from Central America, on the larger world we want to transform and on that other possible world we are working to bring about.

Envío a monthly magazine of analysis on Central America