Envío Digital
Central American University - UCA  
  Number 201 | Abril 1998



BANK SECRECY OVERTURNED The managers of various private banks have expressed concern about reforms passed by Nicaragua's National Assembly in February to the Law on Narcotics, Psychotropic... continuar...


Who is Who: A Key to Understanding
Only by constant reference to a Who is Who on the Nicaraguan Economic Stage is it possible to decipher accurately the vagaries of the swampy scene of national politics. ... continuar...


Morals and Power
SOCIOLOGIST ORLANDO NÚÑEZ, A SANDINISTA WHO FOR MANY YEARS HAS CHAMPIONED THE cause of women, wrote this reflection in light of the commotion caused by charge of abuse against Daniel Ortega by Zoilamérica Narváez. While rovocative in the context of the traditional macho culture of Nicaragua, it is open-ended in its political conclusions, encouraging and offering a framework for a debate that is only beginning.... continuar...


Is Being the Granary of Central America a Good Thing?
The government is committing a strategic error, is tripping up once again, in concentrating all its effort in the rural sector in order to develop exclusively agriculture and livestock raising. The cities and the countryside of Nicaragua are full of small industrial enterprises, which offer a more secure and promising path towards development. ... continuar...

El Salvador

The Environmental Law In the Eye of The Political Storm
Never in El Salvador’s history have there been such fierce debates about a law. And never has it been so clear that the Salvadoran left’s new identity must be shaped within the environmental struggle. ... continuar...


A War Between Indigenous Memory and Government Amnesia
Chiapas once again returns to center stage in Mexico. The Acteal massacre was not an isolated event. It revealed in bloody fashion what is at stake in the Mexican southeast: the right of the indigenous peoples to govern themselves and to organize themselves according to their traditions, the right to make of Mexico a world with room for everybody.... continuar...


The Central American Integration: Open Agenda and Pending Dilemma
The 1990s resemble the 1950s in terms of the profusion of trade and integration accords worldwide. The delays and difficulties faced by the Uruguay Round of the GATT negotiations sparked the adoption... continuar...

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Envío offers information and analysis on Nicaragua from Nicaragua, on Central America from Central America, on the larger world we want to transform and on that other possible world we are working to bring about.

Envío a monthly magazine of analysis on Central America