Envío Digital
Central American University - UCA  
  Number 187 | Febrero 1997



Elections on the Atlantic Coast: Where Politics Moves on Slippery Turf
The elections of October 20, 1996, are only the latest in the political and social conflicts experienced by Nicaragua’s costeños . In 1998 there will be regional elections on the Atlantic Coast, and a lot will depend on them. ... continuar...


Dora María Téllez Assesses the National Assembly
Dora María Téllez, one of the most authoritative voices in the National Assembly over the past six-and-a-half years, summed up for envío the Assembly's legislative work in that period from the perspective of her own bench, and analyzed the challenge it faced in its last days. The following are transcribed highlights of her taped talk.... continuar...


MORE ON THE ELECTIONS The International Relations Secretary of Mexico's Party of the Democratic Revolution (PRD) sent a message to the FSLN leaders and to its presidential candidate Daniel... continuar...


President Alemán: First Moves, First Signals
Many people expected the national logic in Nicaragua following the Liberal victory to be crucial elections = crucial change. It's still soon to note any drastic change, even any surprises, and there... continuar...


Peace Accords: Return of the Quetzal
These have been long years of blood and exile, advances and errors, dreams and crises, and long negotiations until reaching this peace. Now is the time to establish it and assure it for all. Through blue skies flies the vigilant quetzal... continuar...


A Model for Poverty
The impoverishment of Hondurans is so rapid that business people warn about the possibility of civil war, a Fujimoro-type coup, or sheer anarchy. To prevent this they have proposed a polemical and elitist “Great Project for National Transformation”.... continuar...


Zedillo Government: Human Rights in Crisis
The current campaign of threats and harassment of human rights defenders is without precedent. Its objective? To reduce the prestige and the radius of action of those who denounce the increasingly authoritarian repression of the government.... continuar...


Non-governmental Organizations: Who’s making the Decisions
We at envío would like to share with our readers this letter of resignation by a concerned friend from the North who has worked for two decades in the South. It is a call to attention, a text for reflection and debate.... continuar...

América Latina

For Life and Against Neoliberalism
The Jesuits of Latin America, meeting in Mexico at the end of 1996, drew up a letter and a working document in which they denounced the neoliberal ideology and economy with lucidity and conviction. And, with passion and compassion, they ratified their proposal for a society in which everyone fits. envío offers a translation of both the letter and fundamental sections of the document below.... continuar...

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Envío a monthly magazine of analysis on Central America