Envío Digital
Central American University - UCA  
  Number 185 | Diciembre 1996



The Roots of The Electoral Crisis
This was the fraud: elections so murky that they make it impossible to see clearly what the will of Nicaraguans really was in many parts of the country.... continuar...


WHO'S TO BLAME? Humberto Doña, national director of the Liberal Alliance's poll watchers, strongly denied that the Alliance's leadership had given its representatives at the polling places... continuar...


How Nicaraguans Voted
Although the official election results present inconsistencies and have been questioned, they provide a starting point for analyzing the vote and beginning to imagine the political future of the country.... continuar...


Observing The Observers
Did international observers use a double standard to judge the elections? The complexity and diversity of the electoral crisis was matched by that of the electoral observation process itself, in which I participated as a member of Hemisphere Initiatives-WOLA, one of the observing groups.... continuar...


Nicaragua Election Briefs
History of Electoral Observation In 1984, the first free elections in Nicaragua's history were covered by some 460 observers from 24 countries. In 1990 its elections brought 2,578; the Organization... continuar...


A New Period For the Nation
It's not easy to analyze all that has happened in nicaragua as a result of the both anticipated and feared elections of October 20, 1996. They have turned Nicaragua's political scene upside down and... continuar...

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Envío offers information and analysis on Nicaragua from Nicaragua, on Central America from Central America, on the larger world we want to transform and on that other possible world we are working to bring about.

Envío a monthly magazine of analysis on Central America