Envío Digital
Central American University - UCA  
  Number 180 | Julio 1996



Peasant Farmers Must be Included
Every government has declared its support for agriculture, but none has done anything. In Nicaragua there are 57,000 small farmer families. They possess an unknown, but real potential for the economic reactiviation of Nicaragua. Will the new government that comes to power in 1997 take them into account?... continuar...


All Electoral Horses Now at the Starting Gate
The politicians seem to have planned their strategy, though a good part of the electorate has still not taken a stand. The role of civic groups and direct control by citizens at the local level become key factors in the still uncertain electoral process.... continuar...


AD HOC VOTER REGISTRATION Meanwhile, one time voter registration got underway the weekend of June 1 2 in the 26 rural municipalities that the ID card process did not cover due to time and... continuar...


Some Reflections On the Piñata
From the first chapter of Augusto Zamora's book, Nicaragua's Future, Fondo Editorial CIRA, Managua, July 1995.... continuar...


The Hidden Faces of the New Government
Are government and guerrilla forces no longer at odds? Will an amnesty be given to those who shed so much innocent blood? Will there be an end to the serious violations of human rights that still occur? Is there an attempt to fracture the labor movement? To diminish the army’s influence? Numerous are the questions to be answered in the new epoch that dawns in the country. ... continuar...


The Middle Classes: Violent and Organized
In other countries the stereotypical view that Honduras, just like the aircraft carriers used for US intervention in Central America, is insignificant and passive, with no defined personality. The image... continuar...


Democracy and Markets in The New World Order
With masterful irony and indignation, the eminent linguist Noam Chomsky responds to a question that is key for correct understanding and transformation of the world we live in.... continuar...

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Envío offers information and analysis on Nicaragua from Nicaragua, on Central America from Central America, on the larger world we want to transform and on that other possible world we are working to bring about.

Envío a monthly magazine of analysis on Central America