Central American University - UCA |
Number 168 | Julio 1995 |
Government of the Absurd Plays Another Month
In the course of the institutional crisis the people are hardly heard from. There prevails a deep skepticism, within a turbulent and impoverished country. We are already suffering the “Somalia sickness”, wherein the interests of certain groups prevail over those of the nation as a whole.... continuar...
Several dynamite attacks were carried out against churches in León, Managua and Masaya during May. No organization or individual claimed authorship or linked the attacks... continuar...
A Sandinista Commemoration Of the Sandino Centennial
By historian Alejandro Bendaña, director of the Center for International Studies and author of the book La Mística de Sandino. A speech given on February 21, 1995, the 61st anniversary of General Augusto César Sandino's death, in a commemoration organized by the FSLN at Managua's Olaf Palme Convention Center as part of a range of activities that culminated on May 18, the 100th Anniversary of Sandino's birth. ... continuar...
El Salvador
Pact of the Nation Or Pact of the Ruins?
“Development: the new name for peace” is the solemn title of the agreement signed between the ARENA party and the new Democratic Party of ex-guerrilla and ex-FMLN leader Joaquin Villalobos. One of the reasons Villalobos signed the agreement is to keep El Salvador from going the way of Nicaragua.... continuar...
Is the URNG Moving To the Center?
While accusations rain down on military leaders and the country begins to move towards elections, the URNG has made a “proposal to the society” that is original. The guerrillas, on the verge of ceasing to be such, do not propose spectacular transformations, but only concrete measures within the present rules of the game. ... continuar...
Telecommunications: Privatize or Demilitarize?
As in Nicaragua and other Latin American countries, the IMF and the World Bank are pressuring for Honduras to sell its telecommunications companies to foreigners. This privatization of communications is linked to the process of demilitarizing the country. ... continuar...
Central America's Family and Women: What Does Reality Say?
In the last 20 years Central America families have been transformed profoundly. They are ever more diverse and now have a new profile. Speaking in Central America of “the family” is a meaningless myth.... continuar...
From Misery to Poverty With Dignity
Step by step, the Haitian government is seeking to improve the life of the poorest population of the hemisphere. It is an arduous task, on that needs more than moral support. ... continuar...