Envío Digital
Central American University - UCA  
  Number 146 | Septiembre 1993



Why is not One Doing Anything About the Economy?
The views of the crisis entertained by the government, the UNO and the FSLN are all simplistic and biased. It is not possible to keep submitting the people to the roulette of political short-sightedness. In these final months of 1993 all the chambers of the revolver are loaded.... continuar...


The Armed Conflict in Estelí
The violent events in Estelí, in which members of the Sandinista Popular Army fought with former members of the same, are a tragic episode in Nicaragua’s present crisis. We summarize here the description and evaluation of what happend, as reported by the CENIDH.... continuar...


POLITICAL SIDELIGHTS ON THE ESTELÍ EVENTS Two hours after the Revolutionary Front of Workers and Peasants (FROC) whose members are mainly "recompas," or former members of the Sandinista Popular... continuar...

El Salvador

On all Fronts: Indecision Winning
Christianity has not demilitarized the country. Is it because he is unable or unwilling? What’s clear is that the armed forces has not changed much and has learned almost nothing.... continuar...


Cuba: The Making of the Cuban Elections (Part II)
* In the context of expiatory sacrifices in the ritual traditions of Israel, the community's enormous interest in the sin of its individuals is also noted. The sinner was a danger for the community... continuar...


Is Cuba Resisting or Retreating? (Part I)
The Berlin wall fell and the foundations of Socialist Europe crumbled. Two years after the disintegration of the USSR, Russia once again hoisted the banner of the Czars and begged its adversaries for... continuar...

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Envío offers information and analysis on Nicaragua from Nicaragua, on Central America from Central America, on the larger world we want to transform and on that other possible world we are working to bring about.

Envío a monthly magazine of analysis on Central America