Envío Digital
Central American University - UCA  
  Number 139 | Abril 1993



According to UNICEF, 165,580 children in Nicaragua live "in difficult circumstances." Of those, 107,000 "work" up to 12 hours a day in the streets selling chewing gum, "scratch and win" tickets and... continuar...


Measuring Municipal Power in Nicaragua
Alfredo César has said that "all we have left are the municipalities." Are they a bastion of the ultra right? What do Nicaraguans think of their mayors and municipal councils?... continuar...


Rural Violence and the Right Wing's Try for Chaos
Unable to undo from above the achievements of the revolution, the far right wages war not from below, but from the north. ... continuar...

El Salvador

The Apathetic are not Centrists; as the Left we Must win their Support
Declarations to envío by Facundo Guardado, former FPL Comandante and one of the names mentioned as leftwing vice presidential candidate of the FMLN/Democratic Convergence.... continuar...

El Salvador

Bishop Romero's Baptism by the People
In March, exactly thirteen years after Bishop Oscar Romero's martyrdom, a new biography of the bishop has just been published by UCA Editores of San Salvador. Called Piezas para un retrato, this book of testimonies by those who knew him was written by María López Vigil, editor of the Spanish edition of envío. The chapter we have chosen to publish deals with Romero's "conversion." ... continuar...


Another day older and Deeper in Debt
The external debt continues to be a key instrument with which the North imposes economic policies on countries of the South. We don’t develop, but we do indeed pay. In Panama the government does not hide it: all the adjustments are aimed at increasing public saving and thus be able to pay the debt. ... continuar...

América Latina

Community Media in Neoliberal Times
José Ignacio López Vigil, Latin America's representative to the World Association of Community Radios, offered the following reflections on the challenges to the alternative media in these new times at an assembly of that organization held in Oaxtepen, Mexico, in August 1992.... continuar...

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Envío offers information and analysis on Nicaragua from Nicaragua, on Central America from Central America, on the larger world we want to transform and on that other possible world we are working to bring about.

Envío a monthly magazine of analysis on Central America