Envío Digital
Central American University - UCA  
  Number 113 | Diciembre 1990



The International Limits of Concertation
While Nicaragua was engrossed in its highly charged and polarized electoral campaign, the rest of the world was undergoing a radical and rapid transformation. Thus, in addition to dramatic internal... continuar...


National Dialogue: Stalemate or Truce?
After dominating the headlines for over a month, the national dialogue between workers, producers and the government known as concertation dropped out of the news almost immediately after the final accords... continuar...


REGION V CHALLENGES VIOLETA As we go to press, former contras and UNO mayors in Region V (Boaco-Chontales) have taken over the road from Juigalpa to Rama. Among their demands are that... continuar...

El Salvador

SI Leader's Murder Remains Unsolved
The January 1990 murder of Hector Oquelí, deputy general secretary of El Salvador's National Revolutionary Movement (MNR) and secretary of the Socialist International (SI) Committee for Latin America... continuar...

El Salvador

The Murder of Six Jesuits One Year After: Interview with Father José Tojeira
A full year has passed since the assassination of six Jesuit priests at San Salvador's Central American University (UCA). Twelve months of investigations, littered with every possible obstacle, always... continuar...

El Salvador

November 1989 11- At 8:00 pm the FMLN launches its most powerful military offensive in San Salvador and other cities in 10 years of war. Within hours, all radio stations are hooked up to the... continuar...

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Envío offers information and analysis on Nicaragua from Nicaragua, on Central America from Central America, on the larger world we want to transform and on that other possible world we are working to bring about.

Envío a monthly magazine of analysis on Central America