Envío Digital
Central American University - UCA  
  Number 406 | Mayo 2015


    Between thaw and democratization
    2015 Mayo Cuba
    In his December 17 Statement on Cuba policy changes, US President Barack Obama said, “Cubans have a saying about daily life: ‘No es facil’—It’s not...

    How does Cuba surf the net?
    2014 Enero Cuba
    Cuban citizens’ very limited access to today’s information technologies is a result of the complex interactions of a society going through a peculiar...

    Letter from a young man who left
    2012 Septiembre Cuba
    Dear Rafael Hernández: it was with great interest that I read your “letter to a young man leaving Cuba.” I felt it was talking about me because I left...

    Letter to a young man leaving Cuba
    2012 Julio Cuba
    I ’m sure you don’t remember the fall of the Berlin Wall, as perhaps you were born in that same year or at best you were finishing primary school. For...

    Self-employment is back
    2012 Marzo Cuba
    I arrived in Cuba at the end of January 2011. My flight from Miami was filled with Cubans carrying what looked like five or six times the alloted quota...

    Observations on Cuba’s reality
    2011 Agosto Cuba
    At the end of the 1990s, when the whole world was expecting the end of Cuba’s revolution, starved of oxygen since the collapse of the Soviet Union, the...

    A Necessary Reflection on Recent Events
    2003 Junio Cuba
    The world is not a simple place. It cannot be explained in the sharply contrasting tones that provide such delight to simple thought. It has actually...

    Governability in Cuba’s Uncertain Transition
    2003 Junio Cuba
    This essay has more questions than answers. Even when I state something, I am really trying to put forward hypotheses that may help generate a more...

    Comrades and Investors: The Uncertain Transition in Cuba
    2000 Octubre Cuba
    Much to the delight of technocrats and businesspeople, the Cuban government has made what it calls economic reform its immediate priority. It was not...

    Cuban Women's History--Jottings and Voices
    1998 Noviembre Cuba
    THE WAY WE WEREWomen's efforts to achieve equal rights with men have a long tradition in Cuba. Their struggles were almost always linked...

    1979: The Frontier
    1997 Diciembre Cuba
    The compass that oriented us to the history of Cuban religiosity in the first 20 years of the revolution pointed permanently to conflict, tension,...

    The Religious Agenda For the Time of Crisis
    1997 Diciembre Cuba
    All economic crises turn into crises of values, and of conduct. A material crisis always makes the leap into a spiritual crisis. If in 1993 the Inter-American...

    A Still-Present Past
    1997 Diciembre Cuba
    It is said that after Pope John Paul II visits Cuba, he will only have one great project left on his agenda, the greatest of all; cross the threshold...

    1997 Diciembre Cuba
    PART ONE: 1. African slavery in Cuba lasted almost four centuries. Between 1517, when the first group was unloaded, and 1873, when the last known...

    Some Clues to Possible Scenarios
    1997 Diciembre Cuba
    John Paul II has made over 80 trips to other countries since becoming pope in 1978. The upcoming visit to Cuba (January) 21-25, 1998) could end up...

    Cuban Civil Society: An Urgent Encyclopedia
    1997 Agosto Cuba
    To our readers: You may want to read this encyclopedia in alphabetical order, or search first for what particularly interests you, a la carte, as...

    Twenty Issues For a Green Agenda
    1996 Noviembre Cuba
    A Cuban fable of african origin tells that one day, a tocoloro bird began to think about going in search of the end of the world. The first thing he...

    Helms-Burton Law: Cubans Speak
    1996 Mayo Cuba
    On March 12, US President Bill Clinton signed into law the controversial legislation formally titled Cuban Liberty and Democratic Solidarity, but better...

    Cuba: What Fell? What's Going Up?
    1995 Junio Cuba
    I returned home after a year, with all the expectations of so many people who are looking toward this island today. How much my country has changed....

    The Media: Where Cuba Blockades Itself
    1994 Noviembre Cuba
    In August, the waters of the Florida Strait teemed with Cuban rafts and wire services teemed with interpretations of what was happening. Once again,...

    Is Cuba Resisting or Retreating? (Part I)
    1993 Septiembre Cuba
    The Berlin wall fell and the foundations of Socialist Europe crumbled. Two years after the disintegration of the USSR, Russia once again hoisted the...

    Cuba: The Making of the Cuban Elections (Part II)
    1993 Septiembre Cuba
    * In the context of expiatory sacrifices in the ritual traditions of Israel, the community's enormous interest in the sin of its individuals is also...

    Cuba: A Country Without
    1992 Enero Cuba
    On the streets of Havana and other cities of Cuba, there are lines everywhere: For milk (you have to take your own bottle). For what's in from the...


Envío offers information and analysis on Nicaragua from Nicaragua, on Central America from Central America, on the larger world we want to transform and on that other possible world we are working to bring about.

Envío a monthly magazine of analysis on Central America