Central American University - UCA |
Number 9 | Febrero 1982 |
The Closings Of La Prensa
The newspaper “La Prensa”, the most popular in the country, has been suspended five times by the revolutionary government. What’s happening?... continuar...
Excerpts from the Provisional General Law Regarding communications media
Article 1. a) Freedom of information, as an extension of freedom of expression, in mass communications is the foundation of the guarantee for the professional practice of publishing, disseminating,... continuar...
Rural Nicaragua
Nicaragua is a fundamentally agrarian country. Despite that, there is little information available about the situation in the countryside, the living conditions of the campesinos or the gains and the problems of the revolutionary process in the rural areas. ... continuar...
Efforts To Subvert The Nicaraguan Revolution And Its Process Of Reconstruction
We said in previous envíos that the first months of 1982 would be the most difficult for the Nicaraguan government in light of a predicted increase in military activity by groups who oppose the Sandinista... continuar...
Update On The Atlantic Coast
The military actions of counter-revolutionary bands have intensified on the Atlantic Coast. There is a lack of news about that half of Nicaragua, so unknown on the Pacific side of the country.... continuar...
Church-State Conflict
Documents relating to the conflict between the Catholic hierarchy and the revolutionary government, which unfortunately intensifies day by day.... continuar...
Response By The Ministry Of The Interior
With relation to the communiqué published by the Episcopal Conference, the public relations office of the Ministry of the Interior clarifies the following to the Nicaraguan people:
1- That the North... continuar...