Central American University - UCA |
Number 76 | Octubre 1987 |
Esquipulas in Nicaragua Words Become Deeds
US pacifist Brian Willson, a Vietnam War veteran, sat down in the path of the train that transports US arms for the contras and the Salvadoran army from the Concord, California, military base... continuar...
Human Rights Nicaragua's Record
The subject of human rights in Nicaragua is as important as it is poorly dealt with in terms of information and analysis. This deficiency results not only from manipulation by media close to the Reagan... continuar...
In from the Cold: An Ex-Contras Speaks
"In Honduras, they're saying that the Sandinistas drew and quartered me. But here I am: alive, OK. The amnesty program's guarantees are real." These are the words of Lester Ponce, who until August... continuar...
"MISSION OF PEACE" The 300-passenger boat "Mission of Peace" recently began transporting passengers between the coastal city of Bluefields and Rama, the town at the inland end of the river. ... continuar...