Central American University - UCA |
Number 325 | Agosto 2008 |
The Path Taking Us “There”
The municipal elections this November 9 are shaping up as
the means for consolidating the government’s strategic project.
A resounding FSLN victory—on which the party-state’s institutions are already hard at work—will take us there.
But where’s “there” and what awaits us upon arrival?... continuar...
JULY 19 CELEBRATION OF THE SANDINISTA REVOLUTION The government celebrated the 29th anniversary of the Sandinista revolution with at least 300,000 people filling the Plaza of the Revolution and... continuar...
The Micro-Financing Institutions Are Politically Very Attractive
An insider’s look at the micro-finance sector, which has been so important to small producers in the absence of a development bank in Nicaragua. Padilla provides data and appraises the sector’s current situation in light of government harassment and a non-payment movement that erupted into violence in the north of the country in late June.... continuar...
To Read or Not to Read: That is the Question
Do Nicaragua’s young people read?
If so, what do they read? And if not, why not?
To answer these questions I visited a university,
a library and a bookstore to interview people who
know about our educational system’s deficiencies
and promote the pleasure of reading.... continuar...
Costa Rica
Insecurity in Reality, the Media and Our Self-Image
Is Costa Rica more insecure these days? What crimes are on the increase and why? The media is attempting to address this complex problem with simple answers and analyze it with deep prejudices. Let’s talk about reality, putting the media in the “dock” and reflecting on the creation of an ideology
that encourages fear and generates insecurity.... continuar...
All Powers Against Zapatista Autonomy
The scale of the recent military mobilization against the Zapatista autonomous communities in Chiapas hasn’t been seen for years. Army, police and paramilitaries are surrounding and intimidating the communities, provoking them and fabricating incidents between indigenous people and peasants. These aren’t isolated events; the increased armed pressure is alarming, as is the lack of concern from the powers responsible for stopping them. This summary of what happened during the first seven months of the year
is a way of sounding the alarm bell and calling for ever-vigilant solidarity.... continuar...
América Latina
The Left and Human Rights: A Contribution to the Debate
The freeing of Ingrid Betancourt and 14 other people who were kidnapped and held captive by the FARC, plus the circumstances this guerrilla group now faces, have generated an intense debate on our continent. Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega insists on referring to the FARC guerrillas
as “brothers” and defending their methods, at the same time proposing himself as a mediator who can bring peace to Colombia, triggering a debate more pertinent in Nicaragua than in the rest of Latin America.... continuar...