Central American University - UCA |
Number 321 | Abril 2008 |
La Chureca and the North Caribbean: Two Man-Made Crises
The Ortega government wanted to bury Managua’s mayor in garbage, together with his successfully dissident Sandinista political leadership. It also wanted to buy time in the northern Caribbean region for its alliance with Yatama, which has been inefficient at best in dealing with the effects of Hurricane Felix.
Did it think about all the consequences before unleashing both crises? Were the results worth it?... continuar...
KEEPS ON GROWING The director of the National Police’s Women’s Police Stations, Commissioner Mercedes Ampié, revealed that 40% of the crimes committed across the country in... continuar...
We Have to Learn to Stop Taking Water for Granted
An insider in the Nicaraguan Water and Sanitation Company (ENACAL) shares some of the problems and challenges of this state institution responsible for providing drinking water to the population.... continuar...
Sixteen Years Lost in Five Agreements with the IMF
A lot has gone with the wind in 16 years of IMF-imposed agreements and programs. Way too much. Unless we shake off the IMF’s one-track thinking, freely and democratically exploring other economic options, as other Latin American countries have already begun to do, Nicaragua will soon have mortgaged its entire future.... continuar...
The “New” Chureca: From Garbage to Human Dignity
Weeks before the social and political conflict that
broke out in Managua’s La Chureca garbage dump in March,
a young student made his first visit to this foul-smelling place...
What did he see and hear among the hills of refuse?... continuar...
A Thousand and One Demonstrations: For Life, Petroleum and Rights...
In 2007, over 12 million people demonstrated against government policies in Mexico’s capital. Already in 2008, millions more have come to express their various demands in the Zócalo. A thousand and one demonstrations against
privatizing petroleum, human rights violations,
the free trade agreement, the high cost of living,
corruption, impunity and lack of justice,… Mexico is in ferment.... continuar...
Whose Money Is It Anyway?
Remittances play a key role in this thin strip of the globalized world known as Central America. The US$12 billion flowing in each year have attracted capitalÂ’s voracity. The remittances are expanding markets and skyrocketing consumption. TheyÂ’re triggering a rapid urbanization with no corresponding productive support and massively reclassifying the poor from non-citizens to clients and consumers. Telephone companies, airlines, urban developers and money transfer companies are all lapping it up. But how long will this banquet last?... continuar...